But I need to find another helmet pattern badly.
Man I need to stop making foolish promises to you guys. If I can make a helmet that properly fits me, I WILL make a Gundam Style gif. pdo, you can use Pepakura to view these sort of files. My Google skills are close to zero so I need help finding more patterns. I kinda want to do another one but it has to be a different gundam helmet. I forgot to size the helmet and it's a really tight fit on my huge head. The worst part? It doesn't fit me properly. Right now it's only the base model assembled, I need to stiffen the paper via copious layers of glue and paper mache, spray paint it white, and then detail it. It's my next cosplay project and I still have a lot of work to do on it. Ok, 12 hours, 13 sheets of cardstock later I get this bad boy.